Illicit sex, what is that?
How many times would people be telling you, that they love you and they actually haven’t loved you?
They are just trying to get you, they just want to use you. They wait to just have a little party with you, and after they are done they will drop you, and they will be telling another fifty girls the same thing at the same time.
Yes, it's happening, you know it better, if not ask the people around you, especially the youth and they will tell you, it’s true.
Please do not do this, do not abuse people, they are someone’s sister, someone’s daughter, someone’s mother just like you have.
You would not like your relatives to be abused, why are you abusing others?
It is quite simple, today in the modern world, they are teaching us in offices that do not abuse your female colleagues.
Before you do it, think for a moment, before even thinking about that you would rather ponder over the fact that she is someone’s sister, she could have been your sister, your mother, your daughter.
Let us take it directly from Srimad Bhagwatam when the kali yuga personified ask Maharaj Parikshat for shelter, he gave him five places to reside, which are
a. Where Gambling takes place
b. In taverns and in place of other intoxication
c. In men and women of unchaste lives
d. In places of slaughter
e. In gold i.e. excessive accumulation of wealth with greed
Dear brother and sister, please reach out for help, if you seek help, Krishna will surely protect you.
It is also time for self-introspection because we use the status, wealth, and power that Krishna has given to us for luring in sexual misconduct and abuse people. May Krishna forgive us and strengthen us to fight the evil of lust.
It is a matter of urgent concern, where is the community heading?
We need people who have values and people who have morals!
Today the west is teaching us something after they have slid into difficulty. But we have the solution for a long time.
The Vedic society leads a disciplined life, so disciplined that if you were to follow the true teachings of our saints and scripture your problem will be minimized.
Nobody is saying you won’t have issues and problems, those are our karmic reaction and test from Krishna, but they will not come as punishment and won’t be catastrophic.
So let us discuss something very very important. Srimad Bhagavad Gita has all the solutions to your problem.
The problem with us is that we don’t want to follow the solution.
Imagine the doctor tell you, that you need to drink this medicine, but it’s a little bit bitter…, but you need to have it in the morning, afternoon and evening.
In fact, let me make it more interesting, the doctor says “you want to be really cured of the huge disease you have, you will have to get up fifteen minutes before 4 every morning, and have 4 spoons of this every day, or else you will die”, you will get up obediently before the said time and drink the medicine without fail because you want to get cured and don’t want to die.
Similarly, we need a cure for the disease of the heart.
Reading Bhagavad Gita is the beginning point and the culmination of the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita is the solution. When one attains this, he is naturally free from lust.
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